University of Liverpool
The University of Liverpool is a pioneer in materials chemistry research and a founding partner of the KCMC. The University has key centres specialised in advanced materials, such as the Materials Innovation Factory and the Stephenson Institute for Renewable Energy.
The Materials Innovation Factory (MIF) offers expertise in materials chemistry research and access to state-of-the-art technologies and facilities to advance the discovery of innovative materials for high value applications. In working with collaborators from the University of Liverpool, other institutions and commercial organisations, the MIF delivers accelerated synthesis, formulation and characterisation programs across a variety of application areas in materials chemistry. Integrated within the MIF is the Henry Royce Institute’s Chemical Materials Design spoke, which brings new approaches in computer aided materials design and high throughput techniques to the advanced materials community.
The Stephenson Institute for Renewable Energy is a specialist energy materials research institute, aiming to transform the future of energy generation, storage, transmission and energy efficiency. The institute holds vital relationships with academic and research networks specialising in energy materials research, enabling the development of innovative solutions that meet the world’s future energy demands.
The Centre for Materials & Structures exists to meet the global demand for cost effective, sustainable materials and structures in industries such as transport, medicine, energy production and the built environment. The centre is internationally known in many fields of research and technology, including microscopy, manufacturing process design, biomedical materials and functional materials, thin film deposition processes (ALD, CVD).
Core capabilities and expertise of The University of Liverpool include:
- Materials discovery
- Inorganic functional materials
- Organic functional materials
- Magnetic and quantum materials
- Porous materials for separations
- Nanomaterials and particles for drug delivery
- Battery chemistry and energy materials
- Low carbon, sustainable and solar fuels
- Energy storage: electrical, thermal
- Chemical catalysis, electrocatalysis, photocatalysis
- Surface science
- Formulation science and encapsulation
- Continuous flow chemistry
- Renewable feedstocks
- Coating and deposition process
- Additive manufacturing
- Rheology of complex fluids
The University of Liverpool is also home to the MicroBioRefinery, Sensor City, Ultra Mixing and Processing Facility and Surface Science Research Centre